WooleyWorld: Grant Wooley
WooleyWorld is Grant Wooley, an animator from the swamps of Louisiana and member of the Albino Blacksheep Flash community since 2011. Grant was heavily influenced by Calvin and Hobbes comics in his childhood which led him to draw using Microsoft Paint in 2006. After a friend introduced him to Flash, Grant quickly learned the Flash program and is currently honing in on his craft, animating with his friend Tristin.
In 2011, Grant entered the Tournament of Flash Artists, making it all the way to the semi-finals and even helping to animate the series based on the tournament. He made it to the semi-finals again in the 2012 Tournament of Flash Artists.
Video Playlist
WooleyWorld Animations
Sex Hair
Sex Hair II: The Woolening
If I Had One!
XBox One StripKinect
Stereotype English
Ain't She Sweet
The Ballad of Woolard and Fluffina
Mine Mine Minecraft
DayZ Basically
DayZ Rambi
DayZ: The Reanimated Series - Episode 1 Elektro Disco
DayZ: Marathon Man
rAge of Mythology
rAge of Mythology II
Wooley's Worst Date
World of Fuzz
Avatar: The Last Hairbender
Yoshi's WoolleyWorld
My Broken Logic
Whimsical Wool
Tactical Noob
Zelda: Flying Fairy
Zelda: Din's Dance
A How To Video (of the Crab Riding Variety)
The Adventures of Agent W7
The Facebook Poke War
Wooley Toon Tunes
Lava Lamp Blues
WoolEye the Hairy Man
Bob Ross Beats the Devil Out of It
MJ gets Boomstuck