The Professor Brothers
The Professor Brothers is an animated Web series by Brad Neely about Frank and Steve Smith who teach at a small local college. They are both single, living the college life of partying, drinking, lecturing, singing, and dating.
Brad enjoys the ability that the Web allows him to let his professor characters use unique crude language.
The Professor Brothers Episodes
- The Late Date Brad Neely
- JFK Brad Neely MP3
- Future Thoughts Brad Neely
- Fliff Night 1 Brad Neely
- Fliff Night 2 Brad Neely
- Bible History 1 Brad Neely
- Jesus F*cking Christ Brad Neely
- The T.A. Interview Brad Neely
- Prisoner Christmas Brad Neely
- The Substitute Brad Neely
- Movie Talk 1 Brad Neely
- Movie Talk 2 Brad Neely