Stick figures, stick men, or whatever you want to call them have been drawn by all of us at some point in our lives. Even cavemen can draw stick figures. Stick Flash can vary from a stick man walking from left to right in a 2-dimensional plane to stick men fighting in 3D rendered animation. There, this style it is ideal for beginners, and also a style still suitable for experienced animators.
Stick Flash Videos
Animator vs. Animation Alan Becker
Animator vs. Animation 2 Alan Becker
Animator vs. Animation 3 Alan Becker
Russian Roulette Jombo
Badenture Rustpuppet
Bungee Rock Climbing Super Death of Doom or Miscalculation Dave Lancaster
XiaoXiao No. 3 Zhu_Zhq
Nike 666 Rob Lewis
Max Payne Andy Torres
5 Things That Make Counter-Strike Look Stupid! Edge Calibar
Survival Robert Sporcic
Walk Adverse Entropy
Kitchen Fight cyco
A Crazy Trip Kristopher Monger
How to Skate Gliph
Warrior polyman586
Mudah (WRYYYYYY) qwerqwer1234
Mary the Bitch: Chemicals (Remake) NinjaRygar
Fatboy Slim - Weapon Of Choice Gareth Forman (AKA Stick Figure Ninja)
Doorsteps One-Eyed Films
I Love Death One-Eyed Films MP3
God Has Rejected The Western World One-Eyed Films
24 Hour Candy Machine One-Eyed Films
Le Labo One-Eyed Films
Madness Krinkels
Misadventure pOpZ
The Run Part 1 Dave Lancaster
The Run Part 2 Dave Lancaster
The Run Part 3 Dave Lancaster
Someone_123 Dave Lancaster
"Prototype" The Ninja in Operation: Chop-Stick Jason Whitham
Trying To Enter Crazy Sean's House A-Movies Productions
Stickman Militia Garry
The Stick Part 1 Random Revolution
The Way of The Exploding Stick Jez and Zhu_Zhq
Skater David L (Plasma Boy)
Chaos Stickfight
Murder Suicide Dave Teatro
Skate Tricks
Return of the Stick spoofm0nkey
Odysseus' Nostos Ben Taylor / OrganizedChoas Multimedia
- XiaoXiao Series
- Lodger
- The WC Michael Sarge (phreejimmy)
- The WC 2 Michael Sarge (phreejimmy)